July 4, 2020
Let's say a million mostly old, mostly poor people get killed by Covid-19 in a year...so what? They're mainly a drain on the economy anyway, right? And four million young, healthy babies are born every year to more than make up for the million poor and old people who were unfortunately killed. Trump has this figured out. He's very smart. Fake news makes you think that a million dead people is a terrible thing, but if they're old? If they're poor? If most of them don't contribute to the making of America great? How bad can it be? Doesn't it, in fact, sound sort of good? It's a measly one-fifth of one percent of the population! And they're old! They're poor! They're draining Social Security. They're draining food stamps. They take and take and take, like maggots, and contribute nothing! Why didn't we think of this sooner? Should we not in good faith get down on our knees and thank the Christian God who gave us the Wuhan Flu?
On a happier note, here's the only annotated multimedia video book ever made:
I want to thank Vimeo and Medium for having such cool platforms...and the 450 people whose gorgeous videos I've included. What they did is breathtaking. Thanks! G.
Gerard Jones
November 23, 2019
I've quit updating my little lists. Too much changes too quickly. I can't keep up. Now I'm doing nothing but fiddle with The Annotated Video Book of Ginny Good:
When I write stuff I leave a lot out...as any good writer does. Making this annotated video book lets me put what I left out back in. Ginny Good was mainly started in 1985. I stuck an early version on the Internet in 1998. The book was published in 2004. It's good. In 2005 I made the multimedia audio book. It's better. In 2015 I made the multimedia video book. It's better still. In 2019 I'm making the annotated video book. It's the best. It's also the best San Francisco book ever made. No one can dispute that...because no one's ever watched it. Heh. There are around 500 supplemental videos that go with the narrative. The thing's around 50 hours long, though. Who's going to watch a 50 hour video book by someone they never heard of? Nobody. That's okay. I mainly did it for my own narcissistic amusement. I've done everything I'm going to do with the sucker...unless I live long enough to come up with something new. Here's part of a review from a long time ago: "...he wants us to know he cares, but he wants us to find our own way to that conclusion. It's this intelligent respect for the intelligence of his reader that makes Ginny Good sing." I've got ten favorite chapters. Here's one of them:
To see the index to all the versions, click this:
Gerard Jones
June 17, 2019
Apparently I've quit updating my little lists. Hm. Maybe it's time to stop fiddling with the fuckers altogether. It's my birthday. I'm 77. Okay, that's it. I'm done. Let's sum up. Since 2002 I've been keeping track of 20,000 lit agents, editors, movie guys, newspapers, magazines, journalism, film and writing schools, publicists and booksellers who might be interested in my writing. I've sent them at least 200,000 "query" letters over the past seventeen years. Other than a few ill-considered snotty remarks, none of them said jack back. One book, Ginny Good, was published in 2004. The publisher saw that my website had generated a little buzz and thought the book might make him some money. It didn't. A few years later he removed it from his list. Now everything I do is free. Here's what I know:
Ginny Good is the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century...and the best San Francisco book published in any century. Read it and see. It's also a multimedia audio book. And a multimedia video book. The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good could go, with a little professional fiddling, onto Netflix, Amazon, HBO, etc. as an hour-long, fifteen part weekly TV series. Nobody's ever done anything like it. It would win awards. People would swoon. The words are as good as the music and the music is breathtaking...a hundred and fifty songs and sound clips that go with the narrative. None of the guys who run Netflix, Amazon, HBO, etc. will look at it, however...because they're part of a global conspiracy to keep you from reading or watching anything worth reading or watching...and to keep you stupid...and to keep you a slave. The only way you can get the multimedia video book is if I send it to you on a flash drive. Read it. Watch it. If you don't sound like a jerk, I'll gladly send you a copy. It's good. It'll make you happy. So what if nobody else has read it or watched it? The silly crap people read and watch isn't worth reading or watching.
Ginny Good didn't get any hype, see. Stuff that doesn't get hyped doesn't get read. Who wouldn't want to read the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century...or watch a movie or TV series worth watching? The media and entertainment darlings who hype things, that's who. They didn't think it would make money. It's not inane, escapist, comic book glop. That's what makes money. Making money is all that matters. Ack. It's stupid to tell them how stupid they are. Making money does nothing but turn people into mindless slaves. That's its job. Why would anyone want to read some silly book or watch some silly movie that was made exclusively to generate revenue...and turn him or her into a slave? You think worth is measured by money. You love being a slave. It's so easy. In a hundred years no one will remember anything media and entertainment conned him or her into reading or watching.
If you think you're a "writer" and you get published and get your stuff made into movies and win awards, think again. You're not a writer. You're a money-grubbing schlemiel. The only thing the money-grubbing schlemiels in media and entertainment make...and hype...is the mindless drivel made by other money-grubbing schlemiels. It's a closed shop. They pat each other on the back and pass out Pulitzers, etc. for all the inane, escapist, comic book glop they've foisted onto the slave population...and billions of people think what's good is bad and what's bad is good. With a few exceptions, the pernicious horsepiss these guys con you into reading and watching is pernicious horsepiss. The precious few who are writers don't have a hope in hell of ever being read or watched...the unconscionable morons in media and entertainment make sure of that. They do, however, have some slight chance of being decent writers.
Watch the voice only video book on Vimeo. Read it on Medium. Have me send you the multimedia version. If you watch the whole thing, you'll wonder why it didn't get any hype. Ask the boys and girls in media and entertainment. They'll ignore you. They're too busy making and hyping pernicious horsepiss. That's their job. They get paid to ignore everything worth reading or writing or watching. They get paid to make you a stupid slave. They're good at it. Wait 'til after I'm dead, though. I can do without all the adulation.
Gerard Jones
"...its honesty, its rhythm, its carefully-chosen words and nuances, the shades of meaning that emerge like butterfly wings from a chrysalis. Excellent writing is like an onion with infinite skins: enjoying it from different perspectives reveals subtle but exquisitely-formed layers you never dreamed existed."
September 1, 2018
Okay, that's it. I quit. All 25,000 of the media and entertainment boys and girls on my little lists can go fuck themselves. I wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century...and the best San Francisco book published in any century. Then I turned it into The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good. That was fun. It's better than any movie or TV series you can see on HBO, Netflix, Amazon Prime, in movie theaters, etc...and it only cost a few hundred bucks to make. Producing a "real" movie costs 100 to 300 million dollars. Watch it. See for yourself. Or not. I don't give a rat's ass what any of you dumb motherfuckers do. Take your Apples and Googles and Facebooks with their scintillating "content" and get yourselves edified. Ha! You can't. How fucking idiotic are you...to knowingly and willingly give your hearts and minds and beings over to a bunch of geek software engineers? They're not looking out for your interests. They're looking to make money off you. Making money's all that matters.
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good didn't get any hype. All you idiots pay attention to is hype. What the fuck? Who wouldn't want to hype the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century...and the best movie or TV series ever made? The silly twats in media and entertainment, that's who. They didn't think it would make them any money. It's not puerile, inane, escapist comic book glop. That's what makes money. Ack. It's stupid to tell them how stupid they are. What makes money isn't worth reading or writing or watching. It does nothing but turn people's minds to mush. That's its job. That's what it's paid to do. We all stand in line waiting to get our once-in-a-lifetime lobotomy. Some get it sooner than others. A few leave. The ones who've had their lobotomies only recognize others who've had lobotomies. They pat each other on the back and give out awards for the inane glop they've made. They'd all be better off if they'd been strangled at birth.
The media and entertainment industries make a trillion dollars a year. They can perform a lot of lobotomies with a trillion dollars a year. They can brainwash billions of people into thinking what's good is bad and what's bad is good...and the mush-minded slaves they've made believe them. They must know what they're doing. They make lots of money. Yikes. I used to send copies of the real book and a flash drive of the multimedia video book to people in the mail. I don't do that anymore. Now, instead, I'm just sticking up snippets of things I like. If you can figure out how to get the book and multimedia video book, get it. Nobody's ever done anything like it. Wait 'til after I'm dead, though. I can do without the aggravation of all that adulation:
Ginny Good
Chapter Eleven, November, 1963
(Farmer's Market)
...The last time I saw Ralph, he had imaginary flukes in his veins. He was sitting on his couch, busily stabbing a needle into his forearm, trying to kill them, one at a time, trying to impale one of the wiggly little critters on the end of the needle long enough to squash the life out of it between the yellow nails of his thumb and forefinger.
Everything I know about him after that is apocryphal. I heard from Dick Joseph, for instance, that Ralph's father died and he got back to Ohio just in time to sabotage the casket. His father's body fell out onto the steps of the church. Ralph sued the funeral home and the casket company. Next I heard he was in the Ohio State Penitentiary for insurance fraud. Then I heard he was dead. I had a hard time believing the one about him being dead. He would have been a hard guy to kill. What could have killed him? A gun? A knife? He was made entirely out of chicken gristle, for God's sake. A bullet would have bounced off. A knife would have bent. Cancer, maybe. Cancer can kill anyone. Or maybe I just have a hard time believing anyone's dead.
But, back when black coffee was still his drug of choice, Ralph Wood was just the guy you wanted to be hanging out with when you heard the news that Kennedy got shot. Not because he could put it into perspective, no, anyone could put it into perspectivewhat Ralph knew was how to capitalize on it. He was deep in thought, biting the inside of his cheek.
"You know what this means?" He looked over the rims of his glasses at me and slicked down his quivering coxcomb.
"Johnson's President? Jackie's a widow? John-John's an orphan?"
"No, man. Jesus." His eyes popped farther out of their sockets. "Get serious. It means it's going to be a good time to pick up chicks, that's what."
"You think?" I said.
"Sure. Chicks are gonna be sad that Kennedy got shot, man. Sad chicks get all vulnerable and shit. They want someone to come along and comfort them."
So we went off to do that. We walked over into the Emporium and strolled up and down the wide ceramic aisles between the cosmectics department and the lingere section, stopping sad, vulnerable chicks to see if they might want to be comforted. We didn't actually succeed in picking up a single sad, vulnerable chick, but we did try. Ralph thought Henry Miller would have done the same thing under the circumstances. Guys are idiots. Chicks are idiots. Henry Miller's an idiot. How the human race continues to thrive is beyond my ability to comprehend.
Gerard Jones
June 29, 2018
Once a year or so, since 2002, I've sent the following e-mail, in some form or other, to most of the main boys and girls in media and entertainment. That means I've sent the snippy, dismissive, self-satisfied darlings half a million individual e-mails over the last sixteen years. They mostly ended up in spam folders or ignored or weren't "allowed" to be read (what a crock). They've had 500,000 chances to look at an extraordianry movie, TV series and/or work of great literature and none of them did. Pfssh:
"Ginny Good is the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. It's a 357 page narrative nonfiction love story that won some prizes and got some good reviews...but a mere book you can just read is nothing compared to The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good. It has music and pictures and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from roughly 1959 to the beginning of 2004. Nobody's ever done anything like it. Someday, with a few enhancements, it'll be the coolest way to read, period. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you on a flash drive. Send me an e-mail. Give me a mailing address. If you don't sound like a jerk I'll send you a copy of the real book, too.
"The story takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties but it has more to do with the people than the time or the events. It would make an exquisite, award-winning movie and/or TV series. No one has paid it much mind. That's okay. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century, turned it into the first multimedia video book ever and came up with a whole new way to read? One. Me. Heh. Long after most every other book or movie or TV series made so far this century is forgotten, the thoughtful beauty of The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good will be remembered and revered. You can read it (or watch the voice only version) on Medium, Vimeo or my site. Thanks. G."
I might as well have been talking to people in the Andromeda Galaxy. Who wouldn't want to know about the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century...and the only multimedia video book ever made...and a whole new way to read? Not the boys and girls in media and entertainment. They could put all their best nerds in a big room, spend a billion dollars and not come up with a better work of literary or cinematic art than The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good. Get it and watch it and see. It's free. G.
Gerard Jones
September 29, 2017
It's the fiftieth anniversary of "The Fall of Love." If you want to know how that all started and what it was like to be there, along with a definitive history of the second half of the 20th century, read or watch Ginny Good on Medium,Vimeo or my site.
Ginny Good is the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. It should have won me the Nobel Prize for Literature by now...I don't know what the heck's taking those guys so long. It should win all the literary awards there are. When Thomas Pynchon dies I'll be the best writer alive. Unfortunately, the money-grubbing twats who publish books and review books and give out book awards haven't read it yet. Everything I do is free, see. They don't read free things. Besides, a mere book you can just read is nothing compared to The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good. It has music and pictures and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from roughly 1959 to the beginning of 2004.
Nobody's ever done anything like it. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you on a flash drive. The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties. It's like if Ken Burns did San Francisco in the sixties, only better and with less schmaltz. I just finished watching "The Vietnam War" last night. I liked the history and the North Vietnamese side of things. I've always known there was nothing redeeming about America's part. Sixty thousand names carved in black granite is sad for their families, yeah, but it hardly compares with three million men, women and children in mostly unmarked graves. How many American babies got a bomb from a B-52 dropped on his or her head? Dropping more bombs than were dropped in WWII on a country with no airplanes is bad beyond any words that could be said by anyone ever. If you want to know another, deeper story of Vietnam about someone who was there in 1963 and 1964 by someone who can write, watch Ginny Good...especially chapters 6, 7, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 29, 32, and 34. It's the same length as the Ken Burns thing but it didn't cost forty million dollars to make and hype...and it has a more complete story, a more authentic narrator and better music.
Ginny Good could easily be made into several Oscar-winning movies or a multi-year, Emmy-winning TV series. No one has paid any attention to it. That's okay. No one paid attention to A Confederacy of Dunces, either...or Kafka or Thoreau or Melville or Van Gogh, etc., etc. No one pays attention to anything worth paying attention to. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century, turned it into the first multimedia video book ever...and gives it all away...for free? One. Me. Heh. Long after we're gone and the entertaining buffoonery of Donald Trump and the pitiful whining of Hillary Clinton are finally forgotten, the thoughtful beauty of The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good will be remembered and revered. Get it and see. It's free. Like me. Thanks. G.
Gerard Jones
June 18, 2017
People spend four billion dollars a year on audio books. How come nobody buys video books? Because there aren't any. Well, guess what? I just got my gorgeous, thirty-five chapter video book stuck up at Vimeo. Take a look:
It's the fiftieth anniversary of "The Summer of Love." If you want to know how it started and what it was like to be there, along with a definitive history of the second half of the 20th century, read Ginny Good:
Ginny Good is the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. It should have won me the Nobel Prize for Literature by now...I don't know what the heck's taking those guys so long. It should win all the literary awards there are. Here's two chapters (Golden Gate Park and Speedway Meadows) of one day in the Fall of 1967. The multimedia version has music by Jefferson Airplane, Scott McKenzie, Simon and Garfunkel, Peter, Paul and Mary and Janis Joplin, but these voice only chapters ain't bad all on their own. Watch 'em and see:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good has got music and pictures and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from roughly 1959 to the beginning of 2004. Nobody's ever done anything like it. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you on a flash drive. The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties. It's like if Ken Burns did San Francisco in the sixties, only better and with less schmaltz. People should be able to watch it at the movies or on TV. No one has paid any attention to it whatsoever. That's okay. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and turned it into the first multimedia video book ever? One. Me. Heh. G.
Gerard Jones
March 18, 2017
Just when I think I'm done being pissed at YouTube and Google for removing, for no reason whatsoever, all fifteen hours of videos it took me forty years to make, I get pissed all over again. Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt eat shit. They think they're eating pie. They're not. They're eating shit. They put in their thumbs, pull out some shit, eat it and say, "What a good boy am I!" Alphabet's motto is "Do the right thing." Ha! They do the wrong thing, the mean thing, the thoughtless thing. They make a hundred billion dollars a year by squeezing every last nickel they can out of billions of clueless consumers all over the world...and then they have the audacity to remove my beautiful videos for no earthly reason, defame my good name and cause me all sorts of other grief...just because they can, just because they're dicks. Fuck Alphabet. Fuck Google. Fuck YouTube. I finally got all my gorgeous videos stuck up at Vimeo:
Pretty soon people are going to be talking about the fiftieth anniversary of "The Summer of Love." If you want to know how it started and what it was like to be there, along with the definitive meaning of life, read Ginny Good. It's free:
Ginny Good is the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. It should have won the Nobel Prize for Literature by now. It should win a Pulitzer, a National Book Award and whatever other literary awards there are. Here's a twelve minute chapter from after the Haight Street stuff was over:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the cool thing, however. It's got music and pictures and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from roughly 1959 to the beginning of 2004. Nobody's ever done anything like it. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you. Send me an e-mail, give me a mailing address and, if you don't sound like a jerk, I'll send you the multimedia video book and the multimedia audio book on a flash drive. Plug the flash drive into your favorite device or smart TV and watch it and/or listen to it. How simple is that? Everything I do is free.
The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties and seventies. It's like if Ken Burns did San Francisco, only better and with less schmaltz. The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is among the ten best books ever made. People should be able to watch it at the movies or on TV. It should win a special Oscar and a special Emmy. No one has paid any attention to it. That's okay. The horseshit they get conned into paying attention to is horseshit. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and/or turned it into the first multimedia video book ever...all on his or her own...for free? One. Me. Heh. G.
Gerard Jones
February 4, 2017
Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, Diane Wojcicki and the other top hotshots at Google and YouTube eat shit. They think they're eating cherry pie. They're not. They're eating shit. Don't tell them. Let them stuff themselves. Alphabet's motto is "Do the right thing." Ha! They lie, cheat, steal and commit more crimes against humanity in one second than Pol Pot did in his lifetime. They've made a hundred billion dollars by squeezing every last nickel they can out of billions of clueless consumers all over the world. They also disabled my account, defamed my ass and caused me all kinds of grief. Here's the note I sent them to try to get reinstated:
"Since 2002, I've had a website that gives writers the names and e-mail addresses of people who might publish or promote their writing. It's free. Once a year or so I send individual e-mails to the people on my lists to see if they're still alive. Although you gave no reason, I'm guessing that innocently updating my website was why you disabled my entire Google account, including YouTube. No warning. No explanation. No response. No nothing. What sucks about that, besides lots of things, is that my fifteen hours of content which took forty years to make is the best thing on YouTube. Each chapter is better than anything else on your whole silly site and there are thirty-five chapters...which means that the poor guys who run YouTube just lost thirty-five times the value of their company. Watch it and see. You still have it. I don't. You stole it off me, fair and square, then disabled the site it's on for no reason whatsoever. Congratulations! That's some trick. I've never violated any of Google's or YouTube's policies or terms of service. G."
It didn't work. They gave no reason. They didn't respond. Fuck Google. I'm using Vimeo. Pretty soon people are going to be talking about the fiftieth anniversary of "The Summer of Love." If you want to know how it started, what it was like to be there and a lot more, read Ginny Good. Here are Chapters Seven and Eight, North Beach and Coyote Point, from the voice only Vimeo video book. Together, they're thirty-six minutes long and take place in early 1963:
The multimedia version is six minutes longer and has music by Little Richard, Hank Williams, The Righteous Brothers, Jerry Lee Lewis, Leadbelly, Bobby Vinton and Edith Piaf. Ginny Good is best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. It should have won me a Nobel Prize for Literature by now. It should win a Pulitzer, a National Book Award and whatever other literary awards there are. Read it and see. It's free. Like me:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the cool thing, however. It's got music and pictures and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from roughly 1959 to the beginning of 2004. Nobody's ever done anything like it. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you. Send me an e-mail, give me a mailing address and, if you don't sound like a jerk, I'll send you the multimedia video book and the multimedia audio book on a flash drive. Plug the flash drive into your favorite device or smart TV and watch it and/or listen to it. How simple is that? Everything I do is free.
The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties and seventies. It's like if Ken Burns did San Francisco, only better and with less schmaltz. The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is among the ten best books ever made. People should be able to watch it at the movies or on TV. It should win a special Oscar and a special Emmy. No one has paid any attention to it. That's okay. The horseshit they get conned into paying attention to is horseshit. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and/or turned it into the first multimedia video book ever...all on his or her own...for free? One. Me. Thanks. G.
Gerard Jones
January 23, 2017
Pretty soon people are going to be talking about the fiftieth anniversary of "The Summer of Love." If you want to know how it started, what it was like to be there and a whole lot more, read Ginny Good. Here's Chapter Six, San Mateo, from the voice only Vimeo video book. It's twenty-two minutes long and takes place in 1961 and 1962:
The multimedia version is seven minutes longer and has music by Mitch Miller, Andres Segovia, Mozart, Yma Sumac, Sam Cooke, Miles Davis and Paul Newman. Ginny Good is best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. It should have won me a Nobel Prize for Literature by now. It should win a Pulitzer, a National Book Award and whatever other literary awards there are. Read it and see. It's free. Like me:
If you don't like to read, here's the voice only video book on Vimeo:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the cool thing, however. It's got music and pictures and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from roughly 1959 to the beginning of 2004. Nobody's ever done anything like it. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you. Send me an e-mail, give me a mailing address and, if you don't sound like a jerk, I'll send you the multimedia video book and the multimedia audio book on a flash drive. Plug the flash drive into your favorite device or smart TV and watch it and/or listen to it. How simple is that? Everything I do is free.
The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties and seventies. It's like if Ken Burns did San Francisco, only better and with less schmaltz. The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is among the ten best books ever made. People should be able to watch it at the movies or on TV. It should win a special Oscar and a special Emmy. Not many people have paid any attention to it. That's okay. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and/or turned it into the first multimedia video book ever...all on his or her own...for free? One. Me. Thanks. G.
Gerard Jones
January 2, 2017
It astonishes me the ungodly amount of inconsequential drivel that occupies the precious minds of billions of my fellow men and women...tens of trillions of terabytes of tripe. Yikes. Here's a voice only Vimeo video from Ginny Good: Chapter Four, Fifteen Mile. It's 23 minutes long and takes place from January of 1959 to the middle of 1982:
The multimedia version is 11 minutes longer. It has Ray Charles singing "What'd I Say, Parts 1 and 2," Dinah Washington singing "What a Difference a Day Makes," Nervous Norvis singing "Transfusion," Chet Baker singing "My Funny Valentine," The Monotones singing "Who Wrote the Book of Love," Johnny Mathis singing "Chances Are," Nat King Cole singing "Unforgettable," Jackie Wilson singing "Lonely Teardrops," Tommy Edwards singing "It's All in the Game," Brenda Lee singing "I'm Sorry" and The Platters singing "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes."
Nobody's ever watched the multimedia version. That's the thing that astonishes me. All media and entertainment, including social media and, most of all, politics, is nothing but money-grubbing propaganda dedicated to sole goal of keeping you a slave...and you eat it up. The more you eat the better you feel. Ginny Good isn't money-grubbing propaganda. It's the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. It should have won me a Nobel Prize for Literature by now. It should win a Pulitzer and a National Book Award and all the rest of the literary awards there are. I wouldn't accept any of them, of course. I don't need no stinking prizes...especially not from no stinking book critics. Read it and see. It's free. Like me:
If you don't like to read, here's the voice only video book on Vimeo:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the cool thing, however. It's got music and pictures and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from 1959 to 2004. Nobody's ever done anything like it. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you. Send me an e-mail, give me a mailing address and, if you don't sound like a jerk, I'll send you the multimedia video book and the multimedia audio book on a flash drive. Plug the flash drive into your favorite device or smart TV and watch it and/or listen to it. How simple is that? Everything I do is free.
The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties. It's like if Ken Burns did San Francisco, only better and with less schmaltz. The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is among the ten best books ever made. People should be able to watch it at the movies or on TV. It should win a special Oscar and a special Emmy for the first video book. I wouldn't accept them, either. Not many people have paid any attention to it. That's okay. If it doesn't cost money it can't be any good, right? How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and/or turned it into the first multimedia video book ever...all on his or her own...for free? One. Me. Heh. G.
Gerard Jones
December 26, 2016
Here's a voice only New Year's Vimeo video chapter from Ginny Good. It's twenty minutes long. It's called "North Beach" and takes place on New Year's Eve of 1962:
The multimedia version is four minutes longer. It has Little Richard singing "Jenny, Jenny," Hank Williams singing "Your Cheatin' Heart," The Righteous Brothers singing "Ebb Tide," Jerry Lee Lewis singing "Great Balls o' Fire," Allen Ginsberg reading a poem and Leadbelly singing "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?"
Nobody's ever watched the multimedia version. All media and entertainment is money-grubbing propaganda dedicated to keeping you a slave. "Who ain't a slave?" Ginny Good isn't money-grubbing propaganda. It's the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. Read it and see. It's free. Like me:
If you don't like to read, here's the voice only video book on Vimeo:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the cool thing, however. It's got music and pictures and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from 1959 to 2004. Nobody's ever done anything like it. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you. Send me an e-mail, give me a mailing address and, if you don't sound like a jerk, I'll send you the multimedia video book and the multimedia audio book on a flash drive. Plug the flash drive into your favorite device or smart TV and watch it and/or listen to it. How simple is that? Everything I do is free.
The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties. It's the best book ever written about San Francisco, period. It's like if Ken Burns did San Francisco, only better and with less schmaltz. The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is among the ten best books ever made. Not many people have paid any attention to it. That's okay. If it doesn't cost money it can't be any good, right? How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and/or turned it into the first multimedia video book ever...all on his or her own...for free? One. Me. Heh. G.
Gerard Jones
December 15, 2016
"Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love."
-Song of Songs, 2:5
That quote pops up twice in Ginny Good. First, in Chapter Seven (North Beach):
Then, eight years later, in Chapter Twenty-Seven (Sutro Heights):
You can read the whole thing here:
If you don't like to read, here's The Voice Only Vimeo Video Book. Everything I do is free:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the cool thing, however. It's got music and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from 1959 to 2004. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you. Send me an e-mail, give me an address and, if you don't sound like a jerk, I'll send the multimedia video book and the multimedia audio book to you on a flash drive. Plug the flash drive into your favorite device or smart TV and watch it and/or listen to it. How simple is that?
The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties. Not many people have paid any attention to it. That's okay. If I paid attention to the money-grubbing horsepiss that gets foisted on me, I wouldn't pay attention to anything worth paying attention to, either. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and/or turned it into the first multimedia video book ever made...all on his or her own...for free? One. Me. Heh. G.
Gerard Jones
December 1, 2016
Here's when and where and why and how I got to be the best living writer alive in the world on earth, today:
Ginny Good is the best book published anywhere in the universe so far this century. Read it and see:
If you don't like to read, here's The Voice Only Vimeo Video Book. Everything I do is free:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the cool thing, however. It's got music and sound clips that go with the times in the book...from 1959 to 2004. The only way you can get it (and the multimedia audio book) is to have me mail them to you. Send me an e-mail, give me an address and, if you don't sound like a jerk, I'll send the multimedia video book and the multimedia audio book to you on a flash drive. Plug the flash drive into your favorite gadget or smart TV and watch it and/or listen to it. How simple is that?
The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties. It's like if Ken Burns did San Francisco in the sixties, only better and with less schmaltz. Not many people have paid any attention to it. That's okay. If it doesn't cost money it can't be any good, right? Lord, what fools these mortals be. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and/or turned it into the first multimedia video book ever made...all on his or her own...for free? One. Me. Heh. G.
Gerard Jones
"What my father's letter didn't say was that the house he'd rented was in a place called Pacifica, which, next to maybe Baffin Island and Tierra del Fuego, is easily the third most inhospitable place on the planet. According to the people who live there, Pacifica stays "socked in" all summer, and what "socked-in" means is that it's so fucking freezing-ass cold and foggy and windy that you can't see across the street let alone down to the ocean, and even if you could see down to the ocean, which you can't, you still couldn't see any beach because, number one, there isn't any beach and, number two, what passes for a beach is nothing but jagged rocks with huge cliffs towering above them, so that even if you could see what passes for a beach, there wouldn't be any girls on it unless some poor blind paraplegic chick accidentally rolled her wheelchair over the edge of one of the cliffs, and even then she wouldn't have on a bikini bathing suit unless she was also so hopelessly crazy you wouldn't want to have anything to do with her anyway."
Ginny Good, Chapter Five, Pacifica
November 1, 2016
Here's what was happening fifty years ago in a forgotten corner of San Francisco:
Fifty years before that, Celine and Hitler and Ford Madox Ford were slogging through wet trenches in World War One. I liked reading about them. It's a shame that people today are mindless, money-grubbing assholes who simply don't give a fuck about anything worth giving a fuck about. (I'd explain how that all happened but you wouldn't get it.) Ginny Good is the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. Read it and see. It's free:
If you don't like to read, I made The Vimeo Video Book of Ginny Good just for you. It's better than reading. Watch it and see. It's free, too. Everything I do is free:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the single most sublime work of literary art ever made. The only way you can get it is to have me mail it to you on a flash drive. Stick the flash drive into your smart TV and watch it and listen to it. Start by sending me an e-mail:
The book takes place mainly in San Francisco in the sixties but it could have happened most anywhere. Not many people have paid any attention to it. Nobody paid any attention to Kafka, either. Or Van Gogh. People paid attention to Celine, Hitler and Ford Madox Ford but they wouldn't today. Today people are mindless, money-grubbing assholes who don't pay attention to anything worth paying attention to. How many people can say he or she wrote the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century and/or turned it into the first multimedia video book ever made...all on his or her own...for free? One. Me. Heh. G.
"He'd meet a new chick, take out his eye and pretend to shoot it at her like a marblealways with the same goat-like grin and with his face glowing with simple-minded mischief and irresistible charmand she'd melt. It must have aroused them in some visceral way, reaching down into some forgotten sexual, psychological mechanism left over from when men gave women the choicest tidbits of freshly killed animals as tokens of affection and desire. Whatever it was, Thulin fucked more chicks than anyone I ever knew. That was what the whole Haight Street thing was all about to him. That was what it was all about to lots of people, including, no doubt, all the chicks who were getting themselves fucked fourteen times a minute."
Ginny Good, Chapter Twenty, Shrader Street
August 23, 2016
Lots of writers have written better books than Ginny Good...Celine, Cervantes, Nabokov, Proust, Pynchon, Flannery O'Connor, Scott Fitzgerald, James Joyce, Tolstoy, Dostoyevski, Jack London, Ford Madox Ford, Melville, Kafka, Faulkner, Mark Twain and plenty more; they all wrote way better books than I could ever dream of writing. There hasn't been a better book than Ginny Good published anywhere in the world so far this century, but that's not saying much. The garbage that gets published these days is garbage. It appeals to the twits who've been brainwashed to be entertained by garbage. The guys who do the brainwashing, the vast, unassailable media and entertainment monopoly, think the only thing worth doing is make money at all costs. The only thing anyone will pay them to do is make money. Spend your whole fatuous life convincing people to think garbage is the only thing worth reading or writing or buying, then sell it to them. Talk about gaining the world and losing your soul, yikes.
I'm glad Ginny Good was published by a little, no-account publisher nobody paid any attention to. I'm glad it only sold about twelve copies. I thank God it didn't get swallowed up in the maw of the money-grubbing, thought-executing media and entertainment monopoly. Phew. That gave me time to turn it into a multimedia audio book. And when nobody paid any attention to that, I turned it into a multimedia video book. The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the best work of literary art ever made. Nobody's ever done anything like it. It's also free. Watch it and see. The only way you can get it is to have me send it to you on a flash drive. Send me an email:
Put GG in the subject line. Have me mail it to you. Watch it on your smart TV instead of the garbage the media and entertainment monopoly gets paid to let you see. The flash drive includes the multimedia audio book. Listen to it. Here's the voice only version of five chapters that take place from 1961 to 1963. The whole thing takes place from 1959 to 2004. The multimedia version is way better but you have to get that from me in the mail. Oh, oh, ps, I'm going to be moving so it might take awhile to get back to you. G.
August 11, 2016
I have no idea who still looks at my website. Young "writers" is my best guess, kids writing novels and screenplays about vampires and fantasy bullshit and re-imagined comic books and teenage twaddle, anything they think some entertainment moron might buy. The poor darlings want to get rich and famous and get reviewed at the New Yorker or in the New York Times or win a prize or go on Charlie Rose. Most of them have found outlets for their drivel on Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and Amazon, thank God. Fewer and fewer "writers" are clogging up the system. Agents and publishers and lit and talent agents and movie studios and independent movie guys have settled into a comfortable routine. They find some piece of shit written by someone they know, something they think they can con consumers into buying, agent it, publish it, hype it, get it made into a movie, release it, stick it on TV and count the money it made or lost. Most eventually make some money. Some make lots of money. The more money they make the "better" they are.
The guys who do this are market research dweebs, period, all of them, every agent, editor, publisher or producer is nothing but a market research dweeb. What will people buy? That's the only question. With a few exceptions nobody's ever heard of, no book or movie or TV show has been worth reading or watching so far this century. The only thing the media and entertainment monopoly has done is make money and keep people stupid. The important thing is keeping people stupid, so stupid they buy the crap they sell. The media and entertainment monopoly is just a middle man. The guys who pay them is who's calling the shots...Ford and Pfizer and Nike and General Mills. The guys who own them, the finance guys, are the real shot callers, of course, but that gets complicated. You want predatory capitalism? You got it.
Any writer worth his or her salt doesn't need the money-grubbing twats who run the media and entertainment monopoly. All they want is to make money and keep people stupid. They've succeeded. If you weren't so dumb you'd know that. The media and entertainment monopoly has turned you into a nonentity that makes money for the guys who pay them. You work at a crappy job, write your drivel in your spare time and spend the money you make buying Fords and Cheerios so Ford and General Mills can pay down their debt.
Turn it around. Beat them at their own game. Write the book you want to write the way you want to write it. Read it yourself. Make it into a multimedia video book. Watch it yourself. No publisher or movie guy has ever made a multimedia video book. Make your own. It's easy. Write a book, record it, add some music and pictures. Simple. Take out the music and stick it on Vimeo if you want. Send it to people in the mail if you want. Make it free.
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is the best work of literary art ever made. Watch it and see. It's free. If you weren't so brainwashed by the media and entertainment monopoly you'd do that. But you are. Oh, well. Here's the voice only version of last five chapters. The multimedia version is way better but I have to send that to you on a flash drive.
I don't want to get rich. I don't want to get famous. I don't want to win a prize. I don't want to go on Charlie Rose. I made the best work of literary art ever made. What did he do? G.
Gerard Jones
August 1, 2016
I read somewhere that the average attention span these days is eight seconds. No wonder nobody read, listened to or watched my beautiful book. It's longer than eight seconds. Woe, oh woe. Each eight second segment is exquisite, though. Break it up. Watch each exquisite eight second segment all by itself. You won't, of course. You'll ignore it. You want to know why? Because you're a fucking moron, that's why. It's not your fault. The media and entertainment monopoly turned you into a fucking moron...well, the guys who give the media and entertainment monopoly money to keep you so stupid you buy the crap they sell turned you into a fucking moron but they're in on it together. Your poor mind and heart and soul were bought and paid for the minute you were old enough to watch TV. Everything I do is free. That's partly why nobody paid any attention to my beautiful book. What good is anything free?
Ginny Good got two "reviews" ten years ago. The first one said, in part: "...Jones cares deeply about everything that befalls him and Ginny and the others we meet in Ginny Good. And he wants us to know he cares, but he wants us to find our own way to that conclusion. It's this intelligent respect for the intelligence of his reader that makes Ginny Good sing."
The second one talked a little about Melanie. "After Ginny, Gerard found himself another girl. Melanie. Who is one of nature's most fragile creations. A simple girl, it seems to me (and that is far from an insult), easily damaged and not easily repaired."
Here's the index to the whole site. Here's my blog. G.
July 27, 2016
When you've made the single most sublime work of literary art ever made, what more is there to do? Nothing. Get people to watch it or listen to it? Nah. They don't want to do that. Fuck 'em. Which would you rather do, make the single most sublime work of literary art ever made or have people watch it or listen to it? I'd rather make the sucker, thanks.
Nobody gives a rat's ass what happened fifty years ago. A bunch of filthy hippies were slogging through muck in Golden Gate Park. Fifty years before that we were in the middle of World War I. Hitler and Celine were slogging through muck in the trenches. Ford Madox Ford had just published The Good Soldier. James Joyce was finishing Ulysses. There was no such thing as a cheeseburger. Fifty years after that there was no Internet. There were no ATMs. Walt Disney died. J. J. Abrams was born. Here's what it was like:
Fifty years from now it will be 2066. A Chinese scholar, Ping, will be slogging through the muck of what's left of America, digging among rubble and rotted corpses. He'll stumble across The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good on a flash drive. I'll be famous. People will finally get to watch and/or listen to the single most sublime work of literary art ever made. Yippee!
There'll be fewer than a half a billion people left alive by then; a million or so rich guys and the five hundred slaves they each own. Ten billion people had to be slaughtered. Oh, well. The media and entertainment monopoly will make their deaths seem fair and just and reasonable. It'll be ideal. There'll be plenty of everything for everyone...no police, racism, war or climate change. People can lean back, see what was going on a hundred years ago and feel fortunate.
In order for Ping have the best chance of finding the flash drive, however, more people have to have me send them a copy. It's simple. Send me an e-mail. Give me a mailing address. I'll send you a copy. You don't have to read it or watch it or listen to it, all you have to do is have it. Keep it safe. Hide it among your precious things. When you're dead Ping will find it. Thanks.
Gerard Jones
July 24, 2016
I finally updated my site. Yippee! Go read the whole thing, all fourteen years of it. I dare you. Then watch the voice only version of Ginny Good on Vimeo. The only way you can get the multimedia version is to have me send it to you on a flash drive.
Gerard Jones
July 4, 2016
Here's a Vimeo voice only video book you might like:
Pick a chapter, any chapter, they're all good in different ways but "The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good" in its entirety is best. It takes place mostly in San Francisco in the sixties but that's not what matters. What matters is that nobody's done anything like it. It's the single most sublime work of literary art ever made...better than any book or movie or TV show.
See for yourself. The only way you can get the multimedia version is to have me mail you a copy on a flash drive. Stick the flash drive into your computer or smart TV, lean back and watch. The flash drive includes the multimedia audio book, too. If you don't want to watch you can listen. Everything I do is free. If you just want to read the book click this.
You won't do any of those things, of course. You'll ignore it. You'll think I'm whacked. You have more important things to do than read, watch or listen to the single most sublime work of literary art ever made. It's no skin off my nose, either way. I did what I wanted to do. Thanks. G.
Gerard Jones
I'm also updating my website. Here's the page you're listed on:
March 27, 2016
I'm done fiddling with Hollywood Lit and Talent Agents and Movie Studios. Here's the e-mail I sent 'em:
"Here's a voice only video book you might like:
Here are two voice only chapters (3 and 4). The first one has a lot of David Copperfield crap. The second one is a high school romance in 1959:
There are thirty-five chapters in all. Pick a chapter, any chapter, they're all good in different ways but 'The Multimedia Video Audio Book of Ginny Good' in its entirety is best. Nobody's done anything like it. It's the easiest way to read a book ever devised. Jeff Bezos is eating his heart out. Not only is it one of the best books ever written, it'll also make an Oscar-winning movie or a multi-year TV series. The only way you can get the multimedia version, however, is to have me send it to you. Give me an address. I'll mail it to you on a flash drive. You plug the flash drive into your smart TV, tablet, etc., lean back and watch...or you can read, listen to and/or watch as much as you want (except for the multimedia version) here:
Thanks. G."
Now I'm doing Independent Movie Guys. It's taking longer than I thought it would. Nobody's paying any attention. That's okay. They're addicted to drivel. That's where the money is. Everything I do is free. G.
January 1, 2016
Okay, I'm done fiddling with Lit and Talent Agents. I sent two e-mails to 2,200 of the "best" agents, all the WGA signatories, a total of 4,400 e-mails. I got 27 responses and one "positive" response. 4,373 didn't say jack. (CAA and UTA blacklisted my e-mail address.) The other 26 said they "couldn't" consider my stuff because they might get sued. That's a gigantic crock. I wrote a book. It's published. It's copyrighted. It's on Vimeo. Nobody can steal it. But the guys who run your hearts and souls and minds think that's an exquisite reason to not read anything new. Talk about an incestuous, mind-numbing, thought-executing monopoly, yikes. Here's the second e-mail I sent:
I sent you an e-mail awhile ago that said, "Here's a voice only video audio book you might like:
The first six chapters are good but the three main characters don't get together until Chapter Seven (North Beach), which is also a New Year's Eve story:
Pick a chapter, any chapter, they're all good, but the best is The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good in it's entirety. Nobody's ever done anything like it. It's the easiest, most fun way to read a book ever devised. Jeff Bezos is going to steal it off of me and make another few billion dollars. It'll also make several Oscar-winning movies or a multi-year TV series. Give me an address and I'll mail you a copy on a flash drive. Just plug it into your smart TV and watch. Thanks. G."
You didn't respond. Why not? Do you think I do this for me? I don't. I do it for you. Do what you think best. Ignore away. That's okay. Some Chinese scholar digging through the rot and ruin of American culture will stumble across my gorgeous stuff and be ashamed for you. He'll know who's responsible, too. I've made a list. Here's the page you're on:
Thanks, again. Oh, plus, I started a blog and now I'm doing movie guys. G.
Gerard Jones
November 22, 2015
Kennedy got shot fifty-two years ago today. Yeow. Here's what I was doing:
What were you doing? Nobody was even alive. That's how come nobody's looking at my new stuff on Vimeo and nobody wants my beautiful book on a flash drive. Oh, well. I've decided to update my movie making stuff, starting with Lit and Talent Agents:
When you get to the end of the page, click next. It's going to take awhile.
November 10, 2015
Woe, oh woe. Nobody's looking at my new stuff on Vimeo. Nobody wants my beautiful book on a flash drive. I've got fifteen flash drives all set to send to people and nobody wants one. Nobody's looking at my website. My second favorite tooth just fell out. I'm gonna go eat worms. No I'm not. I'm going to content myself with the sure and certain knowledge that I did what I wanted to do the way I wanted to do it and that this ungodly monetization will eventually end. How many comic books and video games can a person consume? To what end? The generation of endorphins? The human psyche is too cool to fuck with the way it's being fucked with. But maybe not. Maybe the human psyche just isn't all that cool. If making money is the be all and end all and you can make money manipulating brains, why not? The guys who think that are the ones doing the manipulating so they're a success. I ain't manipulating shit so I'm a failure. Woe, oh woe. I'm giving my beautiful book away for nothing.
November 1, 2015
Film, print, radio and television, just in the US, have revenues of around 300 billion dollars a year. That means they've made 3 trillion dollars since Ginny Good was published. The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is better than any film, better than any book, magazine or newspaper and better than anything on the radio or on television. It's a 3 trillion dollar work of art that didn't cost a nickel to make and doesn't cost a nickel to own. Nobody's ever done anything like it and nobody's ever seen it or heard of it. How can that be? Surely someone would've mentioned a 3 trillion dollar work of art by now. Nobody has. There's a reason for that. The 300 billion dollars a year the media and entertainment monopoly generates is intended to keep you so stupid you'll buy the glop they sell you...all the glop, from floor wax to political hacks...and ignore everything of any value.
Charlie Rose, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Stephen Spielberg, they're all part of the den of vipers that keeps you a slave, that keeps you working at your slave jobs, collecting your slave wages, buying your slave gadgets and teaching your slave children to be happy like you. I did what I wanted to do. I made a 3 trillion dollar work of art that you can watch on your gadgets instead of cats on skateboards. Who can say that? Charlie Rose? Mark Zuckerberg? Jeff Bezos? Stephen Spielberg? Pfssh. All they can say is, "Hey, I made lots of money keeping people slaves." I can say, "Hey, fuck you, I made a 3 trillion dollar work of art." Which would you rather do, make a 3 trillion dollar work of art that nobody's ever seen or make lots of money keeping people so stupid they wouldn't know a 3 trillion work of art from a cat on a skateboard? I prefer having made the 3 trillion dollar work of art but if you want cats on skateboards, go for it. The den of vipers will happily take your money and give you all the cats on all the skateboards you want.
It's Charlie Rose, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Stephen Spielberg and the rest of the den of vipers who make money keeping people stupid slaves. It's guys like me who make art and give it away for free. I'm giving a 3 trillion dollar work of art away for nothing.
October 1, 2015
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good: A Mostly True Story is more than half done. It's so beautiful! It should win the Nobel Prize for Literature. Nobody's ever done anything like it. Fifteen of the thirty-five chapters should win Pulitzers, The National Book Award and the Book Critics Circle Award each year for the next fifteen years. Those single chapters, by themselves, are better than any book published anywhere in the world so far this century and the rest of the chapters ain't half bad, either. Since it's a movie, it should get a few Academy Awards, as well.
I'm giving The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good away for free, including shipping. Give me a mailing address and I'll send you a copy on a 16gb flash drive. I give everything away for free. That's how come nobody pays any attention to my stuff. It's a new way of reading and writing books. You can watch the thing on an iPhone or Tablet instead of cats on skateboards. G.
September 17, 2015
Ginny Good is a solid, narrative nonfiction trade paperback that takes place mostly in Northern California in the sixties. It's also the best book published anywhere in the world so far this century. Read it and see:
The Multimedia Video Book of Ginny Good is a timeless work of art that includes the single most sublime chapter in all literature. Nobody's ever done anything like it. Listen to it and see:
If you want to WATCH The Video Book of Ginny Good, click this:
"...of all the books I've read, Ginny Good is the only one that had me simultaneously crying my eyeballs out and laughing my head off. Several times throughout, in fact. In a word: WOW."
Thanks. G.
September 10, 2015
"The other thing I know about Nietzsche is that he was the guy who said what didn't kill him made him strong. Ha! He was also the guy who was incurably insane the last twenty years of his life. What didn't kill the son of a bitch drove him nuts. Which would you rather be? Dead? Or nuts? Now that's a question with equally compelling answers, and ferreting out questions with equally compelling answers was what made Gordon Lish a great teacher."
Ginny Good, Chapter Eight, Coyote Point
My friend chose dead.
"They want to be talked out of it. But I didn't get it. I didn't figure it out. I guessed wrong. I'm not trying to justify anything. Or maybe I am. Who the fuck knows? Not me. Sure, I was a little wrapped up in myself. I've always been a little wrapped up in myself. Who isn't a little wrapped up in himself or herself? We're all a bunch of fucking water spiders, skimming over the surface of everything, face to face with nothing but our own stupid reflections. All I had to do was look. All I had to do was listen. But I didn't. I had this appointment, see."
Ginny Good, Chapter Thirty-Two, Hillsborough
I chose nuts.
Thirteen years ago I started sending e-mails to get people to read my beautiful book. I got an agent and a publisher and still kept sending e-mails. I've probably sent a million e-mails in the course of those thirteen years. Nobody read my beautiful book. I just fired my agent. She was a sweetie but she liked stupid books, like Cheryl Strayed's, Wild. Everybody loves books that make money. Everything I do is free.
My publisher fired me a long time ago. He thought I was anti-Semitic. I'm not. I said somewhere that Israel has enough thermonuclear weapons and the means to shoot them anywhere to kill all 1.6 billion Muslims in the world ten times over. Iran didn't have any nukes at all. They still don't. Apparently that's an anti-Semitic thing to say. The truth is anti-Semitic. So he fired me.
Nobody reads my e-mails. Nobody reads my beautiful book. Nobody listens to my beautiful Multimedia Audio Book or watches my beautiful Video Book. Now I'm making a Multimedia Video Book. It's beyond beautiful. I'm going to put everything on a flash drive and send it out to people in the mail for free. Once I get it done my production costs will be seven bucks, including delivery. I'm gonna put Amazon out of business. How nuts is that? G.
Copyright 2002-2018
Gerard Jones
All Rights Reserved